Useful Links

Homestart offer friendship, practical and emotional support to families with young children living in Dorset who are having difficulties for a variety of different reasons such as poor mental health, postnatal depression, disability, domestic abuse, bereavement, isolation, financial hardship and multiple births. For more information, go to https://homestartwessex.org.uk/
Diverse Abilities
Diverse Abilities is Dorset’s disability charity supporting children and adults with profound physical and learning disabilities. Find out more: https://diverseabilities.org.uk/
DorPip offer support for families and parents, such as specialised parent-infant relationship talking therapy, attachment-led infant massage courses, online support. Find out more here: https://www.dorpip.org.uk/
Bundles that Love
Bundles that Love is part of Bournemouth Foodbank. They are focused on offering aid and comfort to families experiencing crisis. Their goal is to provide assistance for families with young children, offering a variety of essential items. Find out more here: https://bournemouth.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/bundlesthatlove/
SMILE for lone parent families
SMILE provides support, activities and friendship to lone parent families. Their goal is to create a community of families who support each other and live everyday to the full. https://faith-works.org.uk/what-we-do/smile-lone-parent-families/
SENDiass provides free, impartial, and confidential information, advice and support for children and young people (up to the age of 25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their parents/carers, living in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. For more information, go to https://sendiass4bcp.org/
Domestic Abuse
The Waterlily Project
Waterlily is a Christian charity that is passionate about supporting and empowering women across Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole areas and helping them back to independent living. They provide practical and emotional support to women in crisis, with a focus on those who are escaping domestic abuse or struggling with mental health issues. You can find out more here: https://waterlilyproject.org.uk/
Safe and Sound
Safe and Sound support women who are isolated or at risk in the community, encouraging social inclusion, responsibility and personal choice. For more information, visit https://www.safeandsounddorset.org/
BCHA offer a range of support services within the community for survivors of domestic abuse aged 16 and over living in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, including providing safe houses and refuges. Find out more here: https://www.bcha.org.uk/our-services/bcha-support/
Refugees & Asylum Seekers
ICN works to help refugees and migrants from all faiths and backgrounds to rebuild their lives in the UK. You can find more information o their services at https://www.icn.org.uk/
The Dignity Centre
The Dignity Centre operates a ‘free shop’ model. They host a social cafe with free hot drinks, and provide signposting to help asylum seekers learn about and access services to meet their needs. Find out more: https://www.refugeesupporteu.com/dignity-centre-bournemouth-first-uk-project/
Education & Employability
BCHA learn provides a wide variety of learning opportunities to support people to turn their lives around and achieve their ambitions. Find out more here: https://www.bcha.org.uk/our-services/bcha-learn/
Skills and learning
Skills and Learning provide a variety of adult learning and education courses for individuals in Dorset & surrounding areas. https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/
Bournemouth & Poole College
Bournemouth & Poole College provide a wealth of courses covering a huge range of subjects. They also provide some free learning. https://www.thecollege.co.uk/adults/study/course-types/free-online-courses
We Are With You
We Are With You provide free and confidential services, without judgement, to adults and young people facing challenges with drugs and alcohol. https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/local-hubs/bournemouth-christchurch-and-poole
Digital Help
BCP Council offer support at local libraries. Find out more here: https://www.bcpcouncil.gov.uk/libraries/access-computers-and-the-internet-at-your-local-library/learn-computer-and-it-skills-at-your-library
Skills and learning offer beginner digital courses: https://www.skillsandlearningace.com/subjects/computing-and-digital-skills/
General Help
Help and Kindness
Help and Kindness make and support connections between people and all kinds of services and support across the county and beyond; linking people to things that can make a positive difference to them and those around them. They provide up to date information about local services on their website: https://www.helpandkindness.co.uk/
Help and Care:
Help & Care is a registered charity working with people and communities to support older people, carers and the vulnerable to live the life they choose. For more information, go to https://www.helpandcare.org.uk/
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