We Are Citizens Advice Week 2024
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Every year, we celebrate #WeAreCitizensAdvice week. It’s a chance to celebrate our charity, and all the incredible things we do in our local communities. We’re so proud of the difference our staff and volunteers make each day.
Did you know that each local Citizens Advice is an independent charity? We are not part of local or national government. Although you may find us at community buildings such as libraries, we are totally impartial – working in the interests of those who visit us. At Citizens Advice BCP, we have close to 100 amazing volunteers working with our organisation. They run our advice drop ins, our partner outreaches and our specialist projects, providing unparalleled support to over 17,000 people in the last year alone.
We want to help you with the problems you face. Often we meet people in crisis, but don’t be afraid to come to us before things reach this point. There are lots of ways for us to help prevent problems which may be on the horizon.
Find out about all of our outreaches across the BCP community by visiting the ‘Get Advice’ tab at the top right on our website.
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