
Get Advice Email Form

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Please note that we can only handle advice requests from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole residents. If you are not a BCP resident, please contact your local office

Your Details

Voicemail Consent
Email Consent
Letter Consent

We will use the information you provide in your enquiry to provide you with advice and to direct you to the right service. By choosing to include any Special Category Data (including but not limited to information about your health, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or trade union membership) you are consenting to us using this information for this purpose. For more information about how we use your information, please see our privacy policy

Your Enquiry

This form can be used by individuals as well as organisations or carers on behalf of clients who require access to a food voucher. If the criteria to receive help from the Food Bank is met, we will email a copy of the voucher to be redeemed directly to the individual who requires it. If the individual is unable to access or print the voucher, please add the email address they would like it sent to. Depending on where the individual lives, some of the food banks will accept a code only referral from us so there would not be a requirement to print. If further information is required in order to issue a food voucher, we will contact you on the mobile number provided. Our Advisers will likely call from a withheld number but we will leave a voicemail and try again later. By completing this request for a Food Voucher form, a record of your details will be made on our private and secure system as well as the Food Banks secure system. If you are completing this form on behalf of another, you have made the individual aware that their data will be securely stored on our system and the Food Banks secure system.

As part of GDPR rules, we require your express consent to share your personal information (including name, address, date of birth, etc.) as well as any relevant special category data (such as any health conditions and ethnicity), with the closest Trussel Trust foodbank in BCP to you, for the purposes of providing you with a foodbank voucher. *

Please check all of the personal details at the start of the form relate to the person who requires the food voucher. Please ensure all of the above questions are answered fully. Incomplete answers can result in delays in issuing your voucher if we have to obtain further information from you.

Your Consent

Read our privacy policy